The piano and voice version of "Three Hornik Poems".
New York Times' Steve Smith had this to say: "I don’t tend to put much stock in Grammy nominations, which rarely seem to reflect critical consensus or popular acclaim. But this gorgeously recorded CD/Blu-ray set by an exciting young Washington, D.C., chamber ensemble thwarts skepticism, offering brilliant accounts of characterful instrumental pieces by Nathan Lincoln-DeCusatis, Joseph Hallman and Justin Boyer, as well as a buoyant song cycle by Mr. Hallman that simply must be heard." Washington Post writer Charles Downey had this to say of the album: "All of the music recorded here is for acoustic instruments -- no computers, no electronic processing -- and it is music that is long on harmonic and melodic interest and blessedly short on intellectual or mathematical gimmicks, without sounding overly neo-Romantic or derivative. The most beautiful examples are pieces by Philadelphia-based composer Joseph Hallman, beginning with Three Poems of Jessica Hornik, sentiment-laden songs written for the pretty, intonation-sure voice of soprano Abigail Lennox, who sings them here. Showing off Hallman's sure handling of instruments even more are the Imagined Landscapes, miniatures based on the nightmarish dreamscapes of H. P. Lovecraft that exploit all sorts of unexpected sounds. " Recording here: |